Mastery Sustaining - Bespoke Mastery

Type: Work Group For: Secondary teachers of maths

Time: 2 half days and 4 twilights

Cost: Free of charge

All schools who have started a mastery journey with Angles Maths Hub can be members of our Sustaining Mastery Community. Schools who have experienced a significant change in staffing or who have had a break from the Maths Hub mastery programme, have two additional opportunities on offer. The programmes are suitable for those schools whose Mastery Advocates have moved on, or for ones where mastery was not fully embedded within the department. 

Return to Mastery 

This Work Group covers the ideas of mastery assuming no prior knowledge. There is a specific focus on representations and variation and implementing these within your own classroom. Participants learn about the 5 big ideas surrounding mastery and how these link. 

This is suitable for teachers who have not previously been involved in any teaching for mastery Work Groups. 

Implementing Departmental Change 

This Work Group looks at strategies to implement mastery teaching across a department, whilst also improving the participant’s own practice and understanding of the 5 big ideas. 

This is suitable for teachers who already demonstrate a foundational understanding of mastery within their teaching, but who haven’t got experience leading departmental development.  

What will participating schools gain? 

Participating in this Work Group will give teachers and schools the opportunity to review and improve the quality of teaching & learning by refreshing areas of Mastery Development or Mastery Embedding programmes. The aim is that participating schools will then join one of the main arms of sustaining in 25/26 academic year.   


Professional learning: 

In this Work Group, participants will: 

  • Develop a deeper insight into the structure that underpins Maths at Secondary 

  • Develop an understanding of key issues and misconceptions behind KS3 mathematics 

  • Deepen their own subject knowledge and awareness of connections within the curriculum. 

Practice development: 

Participants will explore key strategies to develop mastery and use classroom resources with their pupils. They will use and evaluate these strategies to start to build more coherence across KS3. 


For this Work Group, schools should aim to provide one or two teachers to attend training and work together within their department. There will be 6 sessions throughout the year, with 2 in person. 


Please contact if you have any further questions.