Securing Foundations at year 7

*NEW for 2024/5*

Securing Foundations at year 7

Type: Work Group For: Year 7 teachers, tutors and teaching assistants (ideally 2 per school)
Time:  Equivalent to 3 days Cost: Free of charge

An increasing number of pupils struggle to meet Age Related Expectations at the end of KS2. This Work Group aims to give teachers the necessary expertise to support pupils with gaps in knowledge or misconceptions from KS1 and KS2.

With a focus on pedagogical development and the use of effective resources, teachers understand the full mathematical journey enabling them to provide the best support for pupils entering KS3.

Classroom resources are provided to work alongside this work group.

Each term will have a focus; additive relationships, multiplicative reasoning and fractions.

Pupil Outcomes

Pupils will:

  • develop a deep and connected understanding of the maths they are learning ​​
  • reason, think and communicate mathematically as part of their normal experience in maths lessons
  • make progress such that they are better able to access a suitable KS3 curriculum
  • develop confidence with, and a positive attitude to, maths.

Whole school/departmental policies and approaches

Participants will work with their school/subject leaders to:

  • ensure that relevant teachers and support staff engage with the materials
  • ensure flexibility in the KS3 scheme of work so that suitable adaptations can be made to ensure accessibility and progress for all students.

Practice development

Participants will:

  • develop their pedagogic and content knowledge of KS1 and KS2 maths, with a particular emphasis on key concepts
  • practise strategies and refine their practice to best support students who did not meet age-related expectations (ARE) at the end of KS2
  • consider approaches which support all students to reason mathematically and develop a deep and connected understanding of the maths they are learning.

Please contact if you have any further questions.